Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek

Gull Bay First Nation

Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek – Gull Bay First Nation is an Ojibway Nation located on the western shores of Lake Nipigon and the surrounding territory. It is roughly a 200 km drive north from the closest urban city of Thunder Bay, Ontario and has a registered population of approximately 1,375 Citizens residing on and off reserve.

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Flooding Claim Meeting

For anyone who was unable to attend the Flooding Claim meeting that was held virtually on October 27th, we have uploaded it to Youtube for your convenience.

Larger Land Claim Meeting

For anyone who was unable to attend the Larger Land Claim meeting that was held virtually on October 13th, we have uploaded it to Youtube for your convenience.

KZA - GBFN News & Announcements

Please check back here regularly to stay up to date with all important updates regarding KZA – GBFN 

Kindergarten Registration


Register your child for Kindergarten for the fall between March 1st – March 3rd at the school.

Community Food Market


Come on down and purchase from a great selection of fresh produce! Today at the Recreation Centre from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm!

Planned Interruptions


Planned interruptions will occur in KZA at specific transformers intermittently during the day from 7:30am – 8pm Match 8th,9th, and 10th.

Planned Interruptions


Planned interruptions will occur in KZA at specific transformers intermittently during the day from 7:30am – 8pm Match 8th,9th, and 10th.

COVID-19 Information for Positive Cases


COVID-19 Information for Close Contacts


Vaccine Booster Shots


On-Reserve members of Gull Bay First Nation are welcome to receive their COVID-19 booster shots. The Clinic is open by appointment (call 982-2104), or walk-in. The Clinic is February 3rd from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm at the GBFN Health Centre

OW Social Assistance Deposits


OW Social Assistance Deposits have been verified as transferred out of KZA accounts on Saturday. Claimants can be advised that their deposits have been sent to your accounts, and dependent on your bank, is either already in your personal account OR will be before noon.



Regarding the current circumstances of verified Covid-19 cases in KZA – GBFN, we need to remind residents as to the testing schedule that is available here at the Health Centre

Student Vaccination 


Information regarding Student Vaccination

Omicron Testing Guidance


AETS & 7 Generations

Claim Forms

Get In Touch With Us!

Mailing Address

PO Box 29100

1186 Memorial Avenue

Thunder Bay, Ontario

P7B 6P9


Phone: 807.982.0006

Toll Free: 1.855.982.0006

Fax: 807.982.0009


Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-4:30pm