Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek
Gull Bay First Nation
Kiashke Zaaging Anishinaabek – Gull Bay First Nation is an Ojibway Nation located on the western shores of Lake Nipigon and the surrounding territory. It is roughly a 200 km drive north from the closest urban city of Thunder Bay, Ontario and has a registered population of approximately 1,375 Citizens residing on and off reserve.
Flooding Claim Meeting
For anyone who was unable to attend the Flooding Claim meeting that was held virtually on October 27th, we have uploaded it to Youtube for your convenience.
Larger Land Claim Meeting
For anyone who was unable to attend the Larger Land Claim meeting that was held virtually on October 13th, we have uploaded it to Youtube for your convenience.
KZA - GBFN News & Announcements
Please check back here regularly to stay up to date with all important updates regarding KZA – GBFN
COVID-19 Information for Positive Cases
COVID-19 Information for Close Contacts
OW Social Assistance Deposits
OW Social Assistance Deposits have been verified as transferred out of KZA accounts on Saturday. Claimants can be advised that their deposits have been sent to your accounts, and dependent on your bank, is either already in your personal account OR will be before noon.
AETS & 7 Generations
Claim Forms
Get In Touch With Us!
Mailing Address
PO Box 29100
1186 Memorial Avenue
Thunder Bay, Ontario
P7B 6P9
Phone: 807.982.0006
Toll Free: 1.855.982.0006
Fax: 807.982.0009
Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-12:00pm, 1:00pm-4:30pm